- Easy plant cultivation due to antibacterial effect in hydroponics
- Increased plant cultivation and fruit tree yield and faster harvest time
- Yield increases by 20-30% by strengthening immunity of mushroom spawn
and hydroponic seed seeds
- Ammonia gas is reduced due to the antibacterial and deodorizing effect of
water supplied to cattle, pigs, and poultry, and they grow in a cleaner
environment with less stress, which leads to faster growth and shipping.
- With better feed rate, the income of livestock farmers is increased
- Eco-friendly boiler management of meat processing line and antibacterial
effect of production line are expected.
- Water turns into softer alkaline water, and thus we can drink healthy water
- Due to activated water, we can drink healthier water with live minerals
- Waterspout does not smell due to antibacterial effect and sterilization, and
also show excellent antibacterial effect when cleaning sinks, dishes, and
TEL. +82-2-6952-2599 | FAX. +82-2-6954-2599 | info@laolbio.com
R 1205, 42, Magokjungang 6-ro, Gangseo-gu, Seoul
490-23, Chungcheong-daero, Wonnam-myeon, Eumseong-gun, Chungcheongbuk-do
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